I usually write down dreams in a story format or short little bursts or thoughts. Some days I wake up with a random song in my head. Some days I'll go back and read the dream book and find quotes—literally short phrases accompanied by quote marks, and relating to nothing. Just a straight up quote. And, I usually can't remember their significance, or remember writing them for that matter. Here's a few I've come across...
"A meanie in a cloak instead of a coat."
"Be sensitive to your heart's contentment."
"...the freedom to go where I must, where I'm called, to know myself, to know the work."
"The next girl in the family shall be called McGlowdie."
"We're hearing an echo."
"We just lost our summertime. It's spring now."
"To hello joy all the rest."
"My phone's not always as pretty in the morning. It escapes."
"They've got neon copper deadlines!"
"Sometimes your life needs accompaniment. You sound better."
"We are Grandma's Herzig decorations."