"Lived in some strange land over a lifetime. People got smaller as they got older. Eventually everything was on floating islands, like boats, because the world became water. My friend and I were the only survivors of an original group in this land. There were other people, but none of my kind. They were always trying to catch us. Why? I don't know what we did. Our names changed as time passed too. They got shorter and people forgot us. Eventually cars were tiny—the size of a kid's big wheel. The police were after me and my friend. The head of police was my family's old butler. Buddie was his name. He didn't really want to catch us, but knew he must. When he finally did after years of chase, we reminisced about how my little sister Olive would have loved the place where Buddie caught up with us—there were waterfalls and so many flowers. Olive had died back in the good years. It was very sad, yet I felt happy remembering her after so long. My friend and I were very agile and acrobatic, and we could get out of any situation. We each had special abilities. I could fly and she could walk through walls. Buddie though, was the only other one of our kind left in the world, and thus the only one that could catch us. I just have overwhelming feelings for the olden days, when we were all together and did extraordinary things. Then my people all disappeared and went away. We got smaller. The world got smaller. The oceans got bigger. I might be watching too much Heroes."

Oh, this one is very sad, but beautiful and intriguing all at the same time. Lovely drawing, as well.