"I went skydiving again. It was different this time. I could simply hover and float above the clouds until one of the instructors came to take me down (which involved diving headfirst towards the ground and pulling my chute at the last second). While waiting for the instructor, I started playing in the clouds. They were a thin, wispy layer of fluff, like a giant sheet of soft paper floating over the world. I would drag my hand through it, making paths and strokes for the people to see on the ground below. It was my first time drawing in a cloud. It was incredible.
When I got back to the ground, they taught me how to better float, spin and dive. We ate some tomatoes off the vine and everybody took naps. I just laid in the grass and stared up at the sky, because all I wanted to do was get back up there and draw in the clouds."
Drawing in the clouds . . . I like it. :)