Our first full day in Paris. It seems that for most places admittance prices are cheaper if you're 18-25. So we've been vouching for our youth and claiming to be 24. The real liars say they're 25. It's better to go with 24. So I payed half price at Sainte Chapelle after luckily blurting out the right year of my "birth" and Wahli (Meghan) payed full price because she was flustered. So from now on our birth year was 1987. Muahahaha! Okay so we're dishonest, but with the euro being 1.5 dollars, we're feeling okay about it. Ps. We prayed for our salvation in the church amidst the most stunning and beautiful stained glass you've ever seen. See here:

This place was incredible. Thanks to my parents for the recommendation! Inside there was a man who's official job was shushing people. We tried to get a video of this without prevail. Oh well. Here's Wahli instead:

Since, we have been roaming the tourist filled streets around this area. We did see Notre Dame earlier but just from the outside. Beautiful. I'm trying to recall my art history classes for background info and facts to impress Wahli and other Americans but for the most part I'm failing!

We just had a nice salad and wine on a brasserie patio next to some cute boys. No luck there. We did notice though that the men around here all carry bags. And not just big manish messenger bags, but small purse-like bags. Boys of the U.S. don't be scared, you can carry a purse and still be a man. The French are so ahead of us.
Alrighty, off to the Eiffel Tower area to see it at dusk and lit up at night.
One more thing. Sooo many amazing treats here, like macarons. I had a pistachio one today.

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Location:Rue Mazarine,Paris,France
How amazing Annie! Thank you for the updates!