Awake en Paris so early. Painful. But eased by a lovely petite de'jeuner. Cafe au lait, jus de orange, croissant and baguette with butter and jam.

Off to catch the super fast jet train to the south of France. I recall talking to friends before the trip about the glory of the trains—thanks stef and ruthie for your train enthusiasm—it rubbed off on me. LOVE the train! I read my book, drew some things and listened to some particularly French music, drank some cafe and stared out the window. It was delightful. And, oh my, the French countryside is straight out of a dream.
Rented car in Montpellier and braved the European roads. Easy. We had lunch and roamed the streets, visiting Meghan's old apartment and stomping grounds from her time studying there, then pictures of all the ancient Roman structures! Huge aquaducts! I had no idea. I mean I did... I learned all about that in my Latin classes in high school (way to study the unspoken language right? well being a good kid, it was my way of rebelling). Anyway just look at this... The Romans were indeed impressive!

Here I am quietly contemplating the might of the Roman Empire (also 3rd period high school Latin II):

And Meghan contemplating why this was all making her so thirsty:

Next we drove east towards Aix en Provence, hoping to stumble upon our bed and breakfast by some dumb luck—since the address was odd. Well we did, and what a treasure we stumbled upon. This place is straight out of a dream. It's a big old estate, on beautiful grounds with a pool and a garden and tables under sprawling grapevine canopies. We asked the innkeeper where a market was to go fetch some food for a simple dinner. She said it would all be closed by then. She offered us tomatoes from the garden, some baguette, hard boiled eggs and salame. So kind.

We popped open a bottle of hard cider we bought yesterday and had a picnic under the vines. Lovely evening. Mm! I am enjoying each and every moment here.
And a video recap of this bit!
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Location:Route de Valbrillant,Meyreuil,France
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