Sunday, October 11, 2009
snow day | sick day
Doing some drawrings in my new book, well more like old book. Old book turned drawring book. I was sick and dying this weekend, but coming back into the light today, evidenced by the drawring activities. When I'm sick I do nothing but watch movies, sleep and dream some crazy crazy things.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
new branch of Ladders: the Dream Samplings
So a few years ago I started up a new kind of journal. A dream journal. For the past three years I've written in it most mornings (in phases), scrambling for it under my pillow half awake and half out of consciousness. I lay there on my side, one eye open, scribbling side to side as flashes and memories of the night's happenings would come to me. Sometimes it would be complete stories and thoughts, sometimes just a glimpse, an image, a quote, a feeling, etc. Sometimes drawrings accompany if we're lucky... Anyways, this will be the first installment of the Dream Samplings (name is up for consideration) on Ladders. I'll start with some old entries.
Please note: some names may be substituted for obvious reasons.
November 5th, 2007
"In Switz... George, Peter, I and a few others came with me to stay at the family cabin. I was doing yoga and the two guys joined in but tried to turn it into some kind of breakdance session... They just don't get yoga.
Then there were wasps in the recycling that I had to take out I was ushering them out the door 1 by 1 after I took out the recycling screaming. I told my mom you have to tell those wasps you're french, you're a french pastor, so they'll take you seriously and won't think you're a swiss pastor. whaa???
I had to march in a parade with old highschool friends. I am older now and had to come up with my own drums–some little congas I found in the basement. Dressed up silly in an itchy coat. Some whole foods people were there too. All of produce were dressed as firemen. A woman and a daughter there had both seen me drinking once, so they asked me for advice about the daughter drinking during her pregnancy. Odd."
Please note: some names may be substituted for obvious reasons.
November 5th, 2007
"In Switz... George, Peter, I and a few others came with me to stay at the family cabin. I was doing yoga and the two guys joined in but tried to turn it into some kind of breakdance session... They just don't get yoga.
Then there were wasps in the recycling that I had to take out I was ushering them out the door 1 by 1 after I took out the recycling screaming. I told my mom you have to tell those wasps you're french, you're a french pastor, so they'll take you seriously and won't think you're a swiss pastor. whaa???
I had to march in a parade with old highschool friends. I am older now and had to come up with my own drums–some little congas I found in the basement. Dressed up silly in an itchy coat. Some whole foods people were there too. All of produce were dressed as firemen. A woman and a daughter there had both seen me drinking once, so they asked me for advice about the daughter drinking during her pregnancy. Odd."
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